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an Impact?


Please fill out the form below so we can learn more about you. While this form is the fastest way to get in touch with the right person, you can also email We typically respond to inquiry emails within 1 to 2 business days.


What exactly is website development? How is that different from the website design?

Let’s use an analogy here. If you’re working with a designer on your website, the designer is like an architect — he or she is going to decide where all of the elements, images, and text on your site are placed, in the same way that an architect creates a blueprint for a home. A website developer’s job is to build the website, like a builder builds a house. A developer uses what the designer has created and transforms that into a fully functioning site.

Do you have any recommended hosting services?

We do! Hosts can vary immensely in terms of service and pricing. We have experienced the good, the bad, the excellent and the ugly.
+ After extensive experience with many hosts, we feel absolutely confident recommending WP Engine and Flywheel. Their services are very thorough and include automatic daily backups of your website, free SSL certificates, a cache and CDN setup, and more. You’ll always sleep well at night with your website on these hosts.
+ If you’re just beginning to think about a website, we would suggest reserving your domain name via Google Domains, as they offer free privacy protection for your $12/year fee.

I’m new to WordPress. Can you show me how to use it?

While we do provide clients with walkthrough videos for the custom aspects of their sites, we don’t offer general WordPress tutorials or support. If you’re unfamiliar with WordPress or looking to learn more, we would highly recommend you check out the WordPress Tutorials at Lynda. The monthly fee is low and the topics are broken up so you can learn what is most relevant to you at any given time.

Will I have access to my site dashboard or do all changes need to go through you?

We’re big believers in empowering our clients when it comes to their site content. You may not have access to your dashboard in the early stages of development, but once complete, you will be able to make any additions and changes you’d like to your pages and blog posts. There may be some coding-based changes or additions that you need assistance a few months after your site is complete — our support team is happy to help with those (hourly rates would apply for any ongoing support work).

Which e-commerce platforms do you work with?

We build online shops in WordPress using Woocommerce and on Shopify via our Stellar & Style division. If you’re unsure which e-commerce platform is best for your specific needs, we can offer advice on which platform would fit your business needs best.

Additional Design Phillip DeVita