Walking the Path

I’ve been thinking a lot about paths recently. It lingered on my mind when I woke yesterday, how things twist and turn and find yourself somewhere you never expected to be.
School made life seem so easy. In high school, the path was clear: go to college, get a job, meet a boy, fall in love, marry.
Things aren’t that smooth.
I went to college with a double major in mind, graduated with only one in hand, but was positive that career path wasn’t for me.
I’ve felt like a pinball since then, moving from job to job, from major to major to graduate school, from city to city. With each university program or new job, I thought the path would finally show itself, that something would finally click.
Then I abandoned the path completely and started a business. In two years, I’ve learned there is no real path, no certain direction to move in. There is only the path we forge for ourselves, the world we create around us.
This is what live is. This is what vulnerability is — admitting we don’t entirely know what we’re doing but promising ourselves that we’re going to do it boldly, that we’re going to stop defining ourselves in single terms or job titles, that we’re going to dare greatly, fall, and rise strong.
Come, traveller, and walk with me.
Photo from Brené Brown — go pick up her new book, Rising Strong. It’s crazy inspiration at your fingertips.