What’s in a name?

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A few months ago, I was sitting at my desk on a Saturday night, coding a site. A Saturday night. Most weeks, I was working every day.

I needed help.

I called my brother, who works for StackExchange, a Q&A site for developers that also has a job board. He hooked me up with a job listings and I was on my way.

He read over my listing when it was finished, and pointed out that it was unlikely I would get many responses as simply “Brandi Bernoskie”. Apparently, without a name, I wasn’t official.

I resisted, posted the job listing anyway, and hired three awesome contractors.

And then things changed.

Well, I changed. I began to feel a really deep intuition that there was going to be more for me. Maybe not now, but eventually.

So it was time to name the company, to showcase the team I have working for me, to let “I” become “we”.

But the name change also gives me the chance to speak more to my clients, past, present, and future. While some people think development is all code, I think it’s all service.

Alchemy + Aim is all about transforming your business, becoming who you are, and getting where you’ve dreamed of being.